
Sen. Sarah Palin?


Should Stevens be reelected and the Democrats move to expel him from the Senate in January, Republican senators would have to vote on the expulsion motion, something few of them particularly want to do as a vote either way will offend many Republicans. For them, the best-case scenario is that Stevens wins reelection, and then resigns, forcing a special election to fill the seat. This election would probably pit Sarah Palin against Mark Begich, something Palin has a decent chance of winning. Of course, if Begich wins on Tuesday, it doesn't make a huge difference if Stevens leaves the Senate now or on January 5, other than a couple of votes if the Senate is called back in session after the election.

1 comment:

NuHa said...

Discussed on CNN 360 - 10/30/2008 - Once again Main Stream Media is Slow

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