
Supreme Court Vacancies Likely in Next Four Years

Supreme Court Vacancies Likely in Next Four Years

One issue that has been totally absent from the campaign is the Supreme Court. Five of the justices are 70 or more. Justice Stevens is 88 and unlikely to want to serve 4 more years. Justice Ginsberg had cancer and was operated on for it. Justice Souter is known to want to retire and return to New Hampshire. These are three of the most liberal justices on the court. If all three retire and are replaced by Obama, the court will retain its even split between liberals and conservatives for many years to come. If all three are replaced by McCain, the conservatives will have a clear majority and surely reverse Roe v. Wade and many other decisions that conservatives think are wrong. It is amazing that the court has gotten so little attention.




JusticeAppointed bySworn inAge
John Paul StevensFord197588
Ruth Bader GinsburgClinton199375
Antonin ScaliaReagan198672
Anthony KennedyReagan198872
Stephen BreyerClinton199470
David SouterBush 41199069
Clarence ThomasBush 41199160
Samuel AlitoBush 43200658
John RobertsBush 43200553

(SOURCE: http://www.electoral-vote.com)

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