
Is He the Best (Relationship) Candidate for You

Posted by David Zinczenko
on Tue, Jul 31, 2007, 7:05 pm PDT

We all know how politics can work: Sometimes we vote for candidates based on their actual positions on important issues like war, environment, and health care.

But more often than not - for an awfully big part of the population - we vote for candidates based on their personalities. We analyze the way candidates talk, dress, wear their hair, treat their families, treat their office staff, you name it. And we project: Do we want this kind of person as president? Do we like this person?

So when we come to our decisions about our political preferences, it's no surprise that the candidates we like are the ones we see a bit of ourselves in. While political talk may be off-limits on first dates and on-the-couch canoodling sessions, there can be an advantage for a woman to know which way he's leaning. All politics aside for the time being, here's what his taste in candidates might suggest about his relationship style.

If he likes.... John McCain
He likes to see himself as a maverick, somebody who's always bucking authority. An advantage if he's making a deal on a new car, not so much if he's been pulled over for speeding. He can be hard to tame, but he'll be dedicated and trustworthy if you win him over to your cause.

If he likes... Bill Richardson
He's signing on with a decided underdog, which means he a) isn't about making the trendy choice, and b) may see himself as a kind of underdog, as well. But that's the very reason he's going to work so hard for your affection. Don't count him out, because he values substance over herd mentality. Give him a chance and hear him out.

If he likes.... Rudy Giuliani
He's a bull-in-a-china-shop type of guy. He'll make a mess out of your house, but the flip side is that he can also do the same with a potential mugger's face. The steely exterior may be tough to crack, but that rock of a shoulder can be a good one to lean on when times are tough.

If he likes.... Barack Obama
He's a relater - somebody who respects the views of others and is willing to work with that. That might make him a crowd favorite from the moment you introduce him to your circle of friends and family. Knowing that so many people like him makes him a popular choice, but it'll be your job to crack his exterior to see if he's worth the hype.

If he likes... Mitt Romney
No polygamy jokes here, I promise. Romney's got the résumé, the bankbook, and the look, which gives him a surface flash and appeal. But who is he, exactly? You might ask the same question of somebody who has signed on for that campaign. Are they looking for somebody plausible, or drilling down to the deeper issues in their lives? Do your opposition research, so you won't get caught with surprises further on down the line.

If he likes.... John Edwards

Edwards is a persistent bugger, you have to give him that. Anybody who rides the presidential roller coaster twice has to have a big agenda, and he'll appeal to guys who would lay it on the line for others, and never give up. Not bad qualities in a running mate, or a life mate, either. Dump him? He'll be back. And he'll be willing, ready, and eager to give the relationship a second chance, and try hard to win your vote.

If he likes... Hillary Clinton
Besides the fact that he's a forgiving soul, it also means that he appreciates the power structure of the two-headed household. He'll want some time in the spotlight, but he won't deny you your time either. That's perfect for careers, and not that bad of a deal for the bedroom, either.

If he likes.... Al Gore or Fred Thompson
He likes to keep you guessing. Will he call or won't he? Will he remember your birthday or won't he? Though you've seen him around before, the mystery surrounding this guy - and whether or not he'll provide the perfect, long-term relationship material - is the thing that makes him so attractive.


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