
US cat 'predicts patient deaths'

A US cat that is reportedly able to sense when a nursing home's residents are about to die is baffling doctors. Oscar has a habit of curling up next to patients at the home in Providence, Rhode Island, in their final hours.

According to the author of an article in the New England Journal of Medicine, the two-year-old cat has been observed to be correct in 25 cases so far. Staff now alert the families of residents when he sits down next to their ailing loved one. A US cat that is reportedly able to sense when a nursing home's residents are about to die is baffling doctors.

Oscar has a habit of curling up next to patients at the home in Providence, Rhode Island, in their final hours. According to the author of an article in the New England Journal of Medicine, the two-year-old cat has been observed to be correct in 25 cases so far.

Staff now alert the families of residents when he sits down next to their ailing loved one.


1 comment:

Sonya Switzer said...

Ok, so a kitty snuggles up to someone who is about to buy the farm. LOL! So maybe after reading this blog, all of the people who call old ladies who live alone that own a few cats "crazy cat ladies" might think again...
Maybe the "crazy cat ladies" aren't crazy after all... maybe they just want some company when they die!
Its sad that the elderly have to have animals to gain emotional fullfilment at that time in their lives... I mean where the H E double hockey-stick are their families for crying outloud? KUDDOS to the kitty!!!!

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